Thursday, 27 October 2011

new theme

hey peeps!

sorry for the delay, and slackness...what a week...
In time for NEXT sunday (another week's time), maybe we could try "FACES" for a theme, and if thats too hard you could try places, or faces in places!....

Any other suggestions for further themes to explore in the future please post.


Monday, 24 October 2011

Ali's Green

My beer choice

How true it is....

Mint leaves

Before it turns to foam

In my recycling this week

Green - Jase

Waterfall, Fiordland NP, NZ.
Native Beech Forest, Fiordland NP, NZ.
Psuedopanic (Seven Finger), Fiordland, NP.
Bryn is his lovely green sweater, Canberra, Aust.
 Little Homer Falls, Fiordlands NP, NZ

Umbrella Moss, Fiordland NP.
 A little funghi on a bed of sphagnum moss, West Coast, NZ

 Farmland in Rakaia Valley, Canterbury, NZ

 old "snifter", The Rise, Queenstown

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Green - Malinda

Green centered flower

green moss

green fern

water bottle

being green, growing your own veggies

counting balls at the park

Is the grass always greener?

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Green - Narelle

 ruffled tuscan cabbage

 green in the kitchen

 details from my favourite bits of furniture

 new green shoots of herbs outside

 underused green bikes

 weird green snakey plants

sun through the greenery

Monday, 17 October 2011

A small drop

The small things that make me smile as I walk up the path

The small spy

The small light shining through

The small clue that someone literally ran over me

The small surprise on the side of the garage, many many small things painstakingly glued on

And kinda cheating as it is just over three years old (and now leaving footprints on my shoes), but because it made me smile as I was looking through my photos. A small bundle of joy.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

small things - Malinda

love how these small weed flowers are so cute

that small moment in time when one lays on their back to look at the clouds

the shape of the flower which looks like a small heart

small flower found growing through a seat

a small bee landing on the flower you are photographing

lovely small flowers when stopping to look at the view grand view

finding that small amount of chocolate (thought there was none left) to go with the last cuppa of the day, with the added small amount of honey for sweetness........

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Small things by Jase

the small things - Narelle

 Yarn bombing at the local shops - a small thing to brighten my day!

 small gallery for small art in our doorway

 small houses...probably for small dust bunnies

 small quails' eggs

 small glass ornaments at the kitchen window

 small markings inside a Rhododendron, which a friend reminded me look like Cheetah spots

small annoyance when the beans escape the bean bag...